Biodiversity is very much at the heart of everything we do and our community has embraced this important message. From changes in mowing regimes, to planting only pollinator friendly flowers, we are always working to provide food and habitat for pollinating insects.
In 2017 we won our first National Tidy Towns Pollinator Award followed by a Regional Award in 2018 and the Overall prize again in 2019. More importantly we have recorded increases in both bee and butterfly species in our village.
Some recently completed Biodiversity projects include:
The planting of 900 native saplings in March 2019 to create our Biodiversity woodland area on the Tullamore approach road.
Our "Pollinator Promise" campaign whereby local residents pledged to plant a 1x1m space to provide food and habitat for pollinating insects.
The completion of a Sensory and Pollinator Garden in Geashill National School.
The successful planting of our "Pig Fair" and "Sun" beds using 100% pollinator friendly perennial plants.
Our "Don't Mow, Let it Grow" campaign which has resulted in over 3,600m of wild flowers and grasses
For any Tidy Towns groups starting this journey we always recommend which is a fantastic free resource.
